1 Step Guide On How To Remove Date From Blogger Post URL
Guide to remove date from blogger post URL. With this guide, you will be able to remove HTML extension and M=1 as well from Blogger post URL. Read now
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1 Step Guide On How To Remove Date From Blogger Post URL |
In this blog post, I am going to share a 1 step guide to Remove Date from
Blogger Post URL. This method will also remove .html from Blogger URL. But
before jumping to the solution lets first know more about blogger permalink in
Google Blogger or
Blogspot is one of the best ways for creating a free blog with a free domain
but it has certain limitations and drawback.
One of the major drawbacks in the Blogger is the permalink structure which is
not customizable. In Blogger the Permalink becomes too long because it
contains post date, HTML extension and in Mobile View M=1. You can check the
below screenshot to know how the default Blogger permalink looks like.
Whereas in WordPress we can easily change the permalink and can customize as
per our requirement and also it looks very professional.
What Is Permalink in Blogger?
Permalink is also known as a permanent link is a URL structure of a website.
For Example check this URL,
The first part
"https://www.probloggertips.xyz" is
the domain address and the second part after the
"/" is its permalink.
What are the disadvantages of removing the date and HTML from Blogger URL?
Removing date from Blogger posts URL is helpful, but only for the bloggers who
have just started their blog and who wish to start their blog with Google
Blogger, if you are already blogging and your posts have started ranking than
removing date and HTML from your posts URL will have a negative SEO impact as
all your posts with previous posts with date and HTML will give 404 error and
you will lose the ranking.
So it's better that old bloggers don't take the risk. We will use javascript
to remove date and HTML extension, and using javascript can increase page load
What are the advantages of removing the date and HTML from Blogger URL?
- Google recommends using permalink of fewer than 75 characters, so by removing the date and HTML extension, you are reducing the length of your permalink which is good for SEO.
- Removing the date and HTML extension will give you a professional look to your Blog Posts.
- It will not tell the visitor that on which date your blog was published.
- It will make your permalink SEO optimised and small in length.
- Ckeckbot, one of the popular OnPage SEO checker flags a notice saying that "Don't Use Extension" for your website or blog.
How to remove the date from blogger post URL?
Before doing any changes take a backup of your blog so that in case anything
goes wrong you can restore your blog to default.
Read this guide to backup your blogger template
and then follow the below steps carefully.
Step 1. log in to Blogger and click on Theme section.
Step 2. After clicking on the Theme section, click on the 3 dots and
then click "Edit HTML".
Step 3. Press "Cntrl + F" and search for
</Head> tag and
paste the below code just above the
</Head> tag.
<script type="text/javascript">
var urlTotal,nextPageToken,postsDatePrefix=!1,accessOnly=!1,useApiV3=!1,apiKey="",blogId="",postsOrPages=["pages","posts"],jsonIndex=1,secondRequest=!0,feedPriority=0,amp="&"[0];function urlVal(){var e=window.location.pathname,t=e.length;return".html"===e.substring(t-5)?0:t>1?1:2}function urlMod(){var e=window.location.pathname;"p"===e.substring(1,2)?(e=(e=e.substring(e.indexOf("/",1)+1)).substr(0,e.indexOf(".html")),history.replaceState(null,null,"../"+e)):(e=(e=postsDatePrefix?e.substring(1):e.substring(e.indexOf("/",7)+1)).substr(0,e.indexOf(".html")),history.replaceState(null,null,"../../"+e))}function urlSearch(e,t){var n=e+".html";t.forEach(function(e){-1!==e.search(n)&&(window.location=e)})}function urlManager(){var e=urlVal();0===e?accessOnly||urlMod():1===e?getJSON(postsOrPages[feedPriority],1):2===e&&(accessOnly||history.replaceState(null,null,"/"))}function getJSON(e,t){var n=document.createElement("script");if(useApiV3){var o="https://www.googleapis.com/blogger/v3/blogs/"+blogId+"/"+e+"?key="+apiKey+"#maxResults=500#fields=nextPageToken%2Citems(url)#callback=bloggerJSON";nextPageToken&&(o+="#pageToken="+nextPageToken),nextPageToken=void 0}else o=window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.hostname+"/feeds/"+e+"/default?start-index="+t+"#max-results=150#orderby=published#alt=json-in-script#callback=bloggerJSON";o=o.replace(/#/g,amp),n.type="text/javascript",n.src=o,document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n)}function bloggerJSON(e){var t=[];if(useApiV3||void 0===urlTotal&&(urlTotal=parseInt(e.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t)),useApiV3){try{e.items.forEach(function(e,n){t.push(e.url)})}catch(e){}nextPageToken=e.nextPageToken}else try{e.feed.entry.forEach(function(n,o){var r=e.feed.entry[o];r.link.forEach(function(e,n){"alternate"===r.link[n].rel&&t.push(r.link[n].href)})})}catch(e){}urlSearch(window.location.pathname,t),urlTotal>150?(jsonIndex+=150,urlTotal-=150,getJSON(postsOrPages[feedPriority],jsonIndex)):nextPageToken?getJSON(postsOrPages[feedPriority]):secondRequest&&(nextPageToken=void 0,urlTotal=void 0,jsonIndex=1,secondRequest=!1,0===feedPriority?(feedPriority=1,getJSON("posts",1)):1===feedPriority&&(feedPriority=0,getJSON("pages",1)))}function bloggerJS(e){e&&(feedPriority=e),urlManager()}bloggerJS();
Step 4. Click on save and refresh the page once and then
check the magic.
How to remove m=1 form blogger URL?
The parameter m=1 in the address indicates that the user is accessing your
blog from a mobile phone. Some bloggers find this parameter annoying and want
to remove m=1 from their Blogspot Blog.
So follow the below steps to remove m=1 from Blogger URL
Step 1. log in to Blogger and click on Theme section.
Step 2. After clicking on the Theme section, click on the 3 dots
and then click "Edit HTML".
Step 3. Press "Cntrl + F" and search for
</Body> tag and
paste the below code just above the
</Body> tag.
<script>/*<![CDATA[*/ var uri = window.location.toString(); if (uri.indexOf("%3D","%3D") > 0) { var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("%3D")); window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri);} var uri = window.location.toString(); if (uri.indexOf("%3D%3D","%3D%3D") > 0) { var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("%3D%3D")); window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri);} var uri = window.location.toString(); if (uri.indexOf("&m=1","&m=1") > 0) { var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("&m=1")); window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri); } var uri = window.location.toString(); if (uri.indexOf("?m=1","?m=1") > 0) { var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("?m=1"));window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri);}; var protocol=window.location.protocol.replace(/\:/g,''); if(protocol=='http'){ var url=window.location.href.replace('http','https'); window.location.replace(url);} /*]]>*/</script>
Step 4. Click on save and view your blog from a
mobile phone.
How to revert back to the old permalink structure?
The Blogger template backup you created earlier needs to be restored to revert
the changes. Follow the below steps to revert back to old permalink structure
Step 1. log in to Blogger and click on Theme section.
Step 2. After clicking on the Theme section, click on the 3 dots
and then click "Restore"
Step 3. Click on "Upload" and select the backup file and
you are done.
How do I customize the permalink in Blogger?
Step 1. Visit the post then in the right sidebar, under
"Post Settings" click on Permalink option
Step 2. Choose Custom Permalink. NOTE:
This option is only available when you haven't published your post if you have
published your post then revert it to draft to see this option.
Step 3. Change the Permalink URL and click on done.
I hope with the help of this post you have successfully removed the m=2, date
and HTML extension form Blogger Post URL. If you this tutorial has helped you,
then do consider sharing this post and if you find any issue while installing
the code then do leave a comment below, I will definitely help you out.